Rebecca Rubin
5 min readOct 31, 2020


In my late teens, I was always fascinated with the guys who lingered around the local YMCA. They reminded me of the mobster movies I watched on TV. Although on TV they always had a clubhouse.

One day I walked past them on my way to the local coffee shop. I found myself leisurely sticking around to get some attention. I was in no rush to get home. I was also an attractive sexy girl, emulating Marilyn Monroe who would always catch their eye.

In no time, I met Al, a “wise guy” known as a two-bit thug in the neighborhood who was a “bag-man”collecting money at the bowling alleys in town. He introduced himself and asked me out to dinner. I gladly accepted. The thought of being with a young man who was a cugine (young soldier)” excited me. He wore sharp clothes and expensive shoes and drove a small Spider two seated sport car, that spoke of the money his was making for himself and his bosses. I gravitated towards affluent men since I lived a life of scarcity.

He picked me up in the Spider and announced, “Baby, I have to collect some money at the bowling alleys for the under-boss. Hope you don’t mind if I attend to this before we have dinner?”

“ How nice of you to ask Al. I won’t mind if you give me driving lessons.”

“Hey, whatever,” he replied in a tone right out of the Untouchables. “The car is a stick shift. Have you ever driven one?”

“I’d like to learn. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.”

“I’ve got other things I can teach you, you know,” he smirked.

Yeah, like kidnapping, extortion, bankrobbing…Wow, I can’t wait!

“I’ll give you a lesson now, on the way to the bowling alley.”

I got in the car and started it up. I placed one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake, as instructed. But as I put the car in drive, it stalled. I tried over and over, but I couldn’t get the hang of it.

“Forget about it! I don’t have time for this baby,” he announced annoyed.

“I’m sorry Al, can we try another time?”

“Sure, but right now I gotta do business, capeesh?” With a scowl on his face, he sounded like the gangster he was. I’m sure I heard that line in a gangster movie.

“Move over and let me drive. Hurry, I’m gonna be late.”

From one bowling alley to another, he did business, while I sat in the car and waited. On one occasion, trying to be patient but getting bored, I walked into the place and instantly got attention from the other guys hanging around until Al noticed and got mad.

“You’re my chick, my goomah, you hear? I don’t wanna see you fooling around with the other guys. You better hear me and listen.”

Yes, I was definitely in a movie so I answered in my Mob Gal Brooklyneze…

“Sure Al, sure. I’m sorry babe, but I get tired waitin alone in the car for you. Besides, I’m hungry.”

“Okay honey, we’ll leave now. I need to keep my bambino happy, but business is business.”

We left and had a dinner of Veal Parmesan with Spaghetti accompanied by a Caesar Salad, complemented with a bottle of Chianti. After dinner we went to his small one-bedroom apartment in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.

The place was decorated very tastefully. Light beige carpeting enhanced the pleasing color scheme. The black leather sofa and matching recliner chair were new, flanked by two metal and wood end tables and a large metal coffee table with a glass top. In the bedroom, a large circular bed with a mirror on the ceiling told me I was not the first sharing this experience with him. The only thought in my mind was to have great oral sex coupled with plenty of orgasms. I found out very quickly, it would not be the case.

He led me towards the bed and undressed me, then undressed himself. There wasn’t any foreplay for me to enjoy. He knew I was jail-bait but he didn’t care and I wasn’t about to tell anyone what went on.

“Sit on me and fuck me while you pee,” he demanded.

I eased myself upon his small erect cock and at the same time tried to give him the Golden Shower…pee. Nothing would come out.

“I can’t pee while we fuck.”

“Well, you better try harder. I like the warm feeling it gives me.”

I tried again. “It’s not working Al. I’m sorry, I can’t do it.”

Abruptly, he lifted me off his cock and turned me on my back, giving my clitoris a few strokes and then entered me. He rode me quickly. With his head on my shoulder I could hear his heavy grunt once he came to completion, then he got up and dressed.

This became our usual Saturday evening date and I became weary of his Golden Shower demands every time we were together. This movie was quickly becoming a comedy! I was not getting any sexual satisfaction from his limited lovemaking, so I wanted to end the relationship. I hoped that he wouldn’t do anything foolish when I stopped seeing him or failed to take his phone calls. He was a two-bit thug and I wasn’t sure how he would react. Would he take the break-up badly? It worried me that perhaps he would bully and hound me or even take me for a “one-way ride,” which resulted in my having trouble sleeping at night. I was relieved when he stopped trying to get in touch. I worried for nothin cause I was the one who got dumped! Guess it was because I couldn’t pee on him while we fucked.

I stopped hanging out at the Y and started to spend my Saturday nights dancing at a hotel in Sheepshead Bay until I noticed it was a “wise guy” hangout as well.

It wasn’t worth the needless worry. Perhaps the next time, I would not be so lucky and easily escape. This time I listened to my gut feeling and learned my lesson.



Rebecca Rubin

I love to share my 78 years of wisdom about sex and heartbreak I experienced in my life. Read my blogs, you’re sure to be entertained! Memoir coming soon…